Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Natural Birth Journey: Partner Preparation

Ah, partner prep! I think this was the best part of this whole journey. I love my husband. I love doing things with my husband. Having him be so involved in this pregnancy was really great.

When as a couple we decided not to go the doula route I looked him straight in the eye and said "You have to promise me that you will study and learn how to help me in labor, I can't do this by myself." Like a good husband he agreed. 

Our guide through preparation was The Birth Partner. Boy was it an excellent guide!

Being the planner that I am we of course made a schedule (I was serious about this). We had a chapter each week that we were responsible to read on our own time then at the end of the week we would review together. 

We also practiced different labor positions and I guided him on things to do and not do. I wasn't sure if what I liked as a pregnant woman absent of a contracting uterus would stay true once I was actually in labor but we went with what felt good to me at the time. 

The discussions we had were really great and I felt that we came closer as a couple as we worked together to prepare for the birth of our precious little girl. We both learned a lot and felt pretty prepared after finishing the book. 

Even if you aren't looking for a natural birth and don't have a partner that needs preparing I would read this book anyway. It was very insightful and educational about the whole labor and delivery process. 

I learned a lot about what I might experience and that was very comforting to a wondering mind. I didn't know what to expect, so to have a little bit of an idea of what might happen helped me feel more prepared. Feeling more prepared helped me to feel more confident. Feeling more confident well that just makes the whole having a baby thing a whole lot easier. 

The hubs was a champ in labor. He was my rock. I was beyond grateful he was there and so thankful for all he did to support me. We did it. He and I, and that was really amazing. 

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