Friday, October 18, 2013

Birth Stories

*Me holding little miss Abigail after birth.

I love hearing birth stories. It has become a new addiction of mine. I get crazy excited when I have friends get towards the end of their pregnancies as I know the baby will be coming soon and their story will unfold. 

Once I get word the baby has arrived it takes almost everything I have not to run to the hospital or call them on the phone to hear the whole story. Obviously I refrain, no one wants to talk to me immediately after they have had their baby, so I wait with as much patience as I can muster. 

When I finally get the chance to hear the story I am mesmerized by the beauty that is a birth story. It doesn't matter how it happens but that it happens.

I love hearing every detail starting from 'I woke at 4:29 AM with occasional contractions' as well as details such as 'I was sweating like crazy while I pushed.' I'm especially attentive when they talk about that moment, you know, the one where they meet their baby for the very first time. After carrying, nourishing and growing this little person they finally get to meet them and it is the so awesome to hear about that moment. 

I am so excited for my two friends, each had very different births, but both have happy healthy babies and that is what matters most. I'm still waiting semi patiently until I get a chance to hear each of their birth stories. I have no doubt that they will be nothing short of amazing because the tale of life coming into this world will always be amazing.  

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