Monday, October 21, 2013

My Natural Birth Journey: Birth Plan

As and avid planner it is shocking that with my first baby I never created a birth plan. To be honest my thought process was such...

"I have a doctor. I'm getting and epidural. What more needs to be planned?" 

I was so clueless. OK, I'll cut myself some slack I just wasn't educated enough to know that there are many options and choices when it comes to birth and making a birth plan is a really important aspect of the whole birth process. 

Hindsight is 20/20 right? So with baby #2 I had birth plan. I found it so helpful to mentally walk through each aspect of labor, delivery and the immediate time after the birth to help me determine exactly what I wanted and didn't want. 

In writing my birth plan I started with a template (specifically this BabyCenter template) to help create the basic framework of my plan and then I added or removed different items according to what I wanted. 

Below are some of the things that I would be sure to think about and address in your birth plan if you're planning a hospital birth. So many of these things I didn't even realize I had a say or the option but YOU DO! Just like the image above image states "If you don't know your options then you don't have any."  Be sure to think through what it is you want, know your options and then be flexible if things need to change. 

Here are some of the things I would think about as you put your birth plan together. Keep in mind a lot of this is geared toward a hospital birth. 

* If you want a natural birth be sure to state that right at the very tip top.
* What do you want the room to be like? Quiet? Soft lighting? Music? 
* Who do you want present during labor and delivery? Med students OK?
* You don't have to state this in your birth plan but you can consider it. What would you like to wear? I personally labored in my own clothes (so awesome!) until after getting out of the tub. It worked great so that I spent most of the time in what I was most comfortable and then the hospital gown got to take the dirty work.

* What do you desire to use for pain management? If you want a natural birth state that you will ask for pain medications if wanted. 
* What kind of monitoring would you like? Intermittent? Continuous? 
* What are your feelings about having your water broken (aka bag of waters)? 
* How do you feel about medication to help labor progress (i.e. pitocin)?

* Do you want to push instinctively (usually only possible without epidural)? 
* What position do you want to deliver your baby? (side lying, all fours, squat, semi-reclining)
* Do you want a mirror to see what's going on down there (sounds crazy but if you think about it seeing might help you push effectively)? 
* Are you OK with an episiotomy or would you rather tear naturally (hopefully it doesn't happen at all!)? 

After Birth
* Do you want to hold your baby right away if possible?
* When and who do you want to cut the umbilical cord? 

* Do you want baby to receive vitamin K shot? 
* Do you want baby to receive Hep B shot? 
* Do you want baby to receive erythromycin (eye medicine)?
* Breastfeeding or formula?

In order to answer some of these questions you're going to have to do a little research but that is exactly what I wished I would have done the first time. The more you know the easier it will be for you to make an educated decision that is best for you and your baby. 

Do your research. Be informed. Be in control of your birth! You'll be so glad you did. 

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