Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1 Hour

I'm learning that being a mom of two there isn't a whole lot of time to yourself at least not right now in these early stages.

Awhile back I came across a website called Power of Moms. One of the founders of the site was on a local Utah TV show (Studio 5) talking about her site and what they provide. The particular topic that she shared on the show was how moms are people too. She gave a list of things that people get to do and that since moms are people too they should also get to do these things. For example a mom has a right to a shower every day (hello! you would think this would be a given but isn't now is it moms?). The way she came up with her bill of rights was when her husband asked the question, what do you need to thrive? Not just survive but thrive? Read an article all about this here or see the TV clip here, I highly recommend both!

I have since pondered that question and thought about what I need to thrive each and every day. I have found that each day it is a little different but there is usually one thing that I need each day to take care of myself. It may be a walk, a shower or a few minutes to read, alone, in peace and quiet (ha!).

The husband is in law school so he is a busy guy. I want him to do well and so I support him as best I can. We have learned though that when we each sacrifice to support each other we ourselves feel better supported.

That being said I told the hubs that I need at least 1 hour each week all. to. myself. Last week was my first hour and it was heavenly and I came home ready and excited to care for our kiddos again. It was water to my well and I was so thankful for it. I think this may be a tradition that sticks around for a long time.

What do you need to thrive each day? How to you make sure that you get it? 

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